Farmer consultation and identification of incentives and bottlenecks for using recovered products and recuperation technologies

  • 1 Current: Introduction
  • 2 General Part
  • 3 Products questions
  • 4 Technology questions
  • 5 Complete

Dear reader,

Based on your experience, we hope you can share some of your insights with us. NUTRIMAN ( is a Nitrogen and Phosphorus thematic network compiling knowledge “ready for practice” about recovered product applications and recuperation technologies, for the benefit of the agricultural practitioners. We use a bottom-up approach to identify incentives and bottlenecks for the adoption of recovered /products/nutrient recuperation technologies. Information in 8 different languages about the project and partners can be found on our NUTRIMAN website. You can also find a selection of products and technologies in the Farmer platform, a continuously expanding database that will be evolutionarily maintained for a long term up to 2031.

In addition to the FAB consultations, we would like to analyze the opinion of several individual farmers in order to identify the reasons that may hinder the implementation of recovered products and technologies in practice. Therefore, a series of questions have been created in order to identify incentives, bottlenecks and needs from farmers/end-users. The idea is to collect this information via an online survey.

We have prepared seven short questions for products (maximum time of 15 min) and seven short questions for technologies. As the first step, we kindly ask you to indicate your main activity and your region. Afterwards, we ask a few questions regarding your knowledge of recovered products/technologies and your personal experience (if any) using them. In the last question, we would like that you indicate and elaborate any other difficulty or suggestion you may have.

Participation in the online survey is voluntary and can be interrupted at any part. The interview will be filed anonymously. When you are filling the online survey form your IP address will be identified but not being public and used only for statistical purpose. All final documentation and results of the survey will be in digital form, that we will be published on the NUTRIMAN web in anonymised.

If you have any questions or need support to complete the interview, please contact at or by filling our online contact form:

We would like to also invite you to sign up for the NUTRIMAN newsletter to stay up-to-date on the latest project developments and results:

In behalf of the NUTRIMAN consortium we thank you for your time and information!

Kind regards,
Edward Someus

I declare that I am over 18 years of age and have received detailed information about the circumstances of my participation in the online survey above, I agree to the terms and conditions, I agree to participate. I accept the NUTRIMAN Privacy Policy.
To learn more about how we use your personal information please read our Privacy Policy.