Where we are now?

In the first year, the NUTRIMAN consortium made a detailed inventory of matured innovative research results in the field of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and nutrient recovery. Almost 600 nutrient recovery projects from H2020, FP7, LIFE, Interreg and other national and international projects are identified and invited to participate in NUTRIMAN. These EU28 technologies, methodologies and products are near to be put into practice but are currently not sufficiently known by large industrial agricultural practitioners and small-scale famers.

Responses to NUTRIMAN’s questionnaire for the selection of the best available nutrient recovery technologies and productsindicate the majority of the EU research programmes are unbalanced and primarily have a low TRL (Technology Readiness Level). The higher the TRL, the more mature the technology or product. For such theoretical research actions there remains an innovation gap and they are therefore excluded from NUTRIMAN. Only few RTD projects achieved scaled up and demonstrated their prototype in an operational environment at level TRL = 7 or up; while the legal status of the “lawful marketing” as of the EU/MS regulation already scheduled and can be demonstrated for the user.

A NUTRIMAN Farmers Advisory Board "FAB" has been set upfor transparent evaluation and selection of the best available nutrient recovery technologies and products. Qualified agricultural practitioners are participating in the "FAB". Furthermore, we have already started to collect practice-oriented abstracts in EIP-AGRI form and practice-oriented knowledge including info sheets and training materials.

What is upcoming?

From October 2019 on, in the second project year, the first 20-30 practice abstracts with supporting info sheets and training materials will be uploadedin 8 languages on the NUTRIMAN farmer platform. Furthermore, numerous workshops will be held across Europe to reach out to farmers.