ID323: VeDoWS stable construction
Are you looking for alternative fertilizers? Certainly to approach circular agriculture, recovered fertilizers have an added value. Trough a webinar (18/06/2020), Inagro organised an online info moment with a virtual trial field visit to learn about product properties and the agricultural value.
Recovered fertilizers have different origins
Animal manure, municipal waste (food waste, kitchen waste or green waste from recreational areas) or human waste (sewage sludge) are possible input streams to produce reclaimed fertiliser. These products must first undergo treatment such as separation, composting or anaerobic digestion before they can be applied to your fields as recovered fertiliser.
As efficient as mineral fertilizer?
During a multi-year field trial under practical conditions, five recovered fertilizers, in particular digestate, thin fraction of digestate, ammonium sulfate from air scrubbers, ammonium nitrate (ID 295,296 ) from a stripper scrubber installation and pig urine from a VeDoWS stable type (ID 322, 323) , are tested in maize (2019), spinach (2020) and potatoes (2021). The spring of 2020 was characterized by a strong wind and extremely dry weather. On light sandy soils, the products were superficially applied after non-inversion tillage, so that the fertilizers were in the immediate vicinity of the plant roots. The spinach was sprinkled twice with 25 liters / ha each. Almost all products gave a comparable yield compared to the reference of mineral fertilizers and slurry. Only the ammonium nitrate from the stripper scrubber gave the lowest yield in spinach under these conditions. Because the fertilizer was close to the plant roots, combined with the dry weather conditions, the spinach was burned with sub-optimal yields.