Recovered biofertilizers for farmers: the Ashdec® case presented for the first time to the Italian farmers

ID397 Ashdec product

ID397 Ashdec product

On November 6, 2020, UNITO organized a webinar, aimed in particular at cereal producers, on the use of fertilizers from recovery chains. At the beginning, the new EU regulation on fertilizers was illustrated, with the new cadmium limit at 1.5 mg/kg, and the need to replace mineral phosphates contaminated by cadmium and uranium. Then Prof. Massimo Pugliese from UNITO made an interactive presentation of the PLATFORM FOR FARMERS of the NUTRIMAN project, focusing attention on some technologies and products: BIOPHOSPHATE (ID:192/193); the STRUVITE Revawaste (ID:250/258); the STRUVITE Phowater (ID:208/207); the COMPOST ACEA (ID:210/209); the GREEN COMPOST (ID:280/279); the DRIED DIGESTATE (ID:270/269). During this event Dr. Julian Ulbrich, from METSO OUTOTEC company, presented a national preview of one of the fertilizers mentioned above, namely Ashdec® (ID:397/398), explaining the process used to convert the ashes of sewage sludge in a fertilizer. Finally, Dr. Federico Trucco from UNITO presented some of the demonstration tests conducted in 2019 and 2020 using biofertilizers, with particular attention to those conducted on cereals. Over 60 attendees asked many questions about what was presented to them and enjoyed the webinar very much.

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