ID264: Agrogas charging dried digestate
The workshop (03. December, 2020) aimed was to inform participants about the Nutriman project and to present the farmers' platform to enable them to learn about the products and technologies within it and at the same time explain how to search and find the information that the Nutriman farmers' platform offers. In the same way, we informed the participants about the possibility to consult the documents in the national language and also inform them about the possibility to download them. During the workshop, we presented the (ID 192) High nutrient density Bio-phosphate products recovered from food grade animal bone grains with more than 30% P2O5 content through the "3R zero emission pyrolysis" & (ID 193) 3R Recycle-Reuse-Reduce zero emission pyrolysis technology for phosphorus recovery from food grade animal bone grist products. We also wanted to introduce our participants to the following IDs:
- ID 208: a Struvite from wastewater by “PHORwater” process;
- ID 210: a Compost from green waste and digested mixed- waste by “ACEA Pirolese”;
- ID 250: a Struvite from digestate and manure by “REVAWASTE” process.
During this events Christophe Boogaerts (VLACO) presented the development of the EU fertilising Products Regulation (FPR) also introduced the general panoramic of the digestate products & the presentation of this ID P/T’s:
- ID 264: Liquid and solid (dried) fraction digestate from manure and energy maize by “Agrogas” process.
- ID 269: Technology for N recovery as enriched pelletized digestate from animal manure + biowastes with “Arbio and NPirrik-project” co-digestion + separation and back mixing process.
- ID 270: High NP pelletized digestate from animal manure and organic waste digestate by “Arbio and NPirrk-project” process.