NUTRIMAN International workshop: NUTRIMAN – Nutrient recovery technologies and products for agriculture


The international workshop dedicated to continental European area was organized on September 8, 2021 in the online mode via ZOOM platform.

The international event was aimed at presenting the NUTRIMAN project and its major activities and outputs with special attention to the NUTRIMAN Farmer Platform which is the inventory of fertiliser products and technologies based on recovery of nutrients across Europe.

The new EU Fertilising Products Regulation (EU 2019/1009) was explained in detail, presenting new aspects covered by th eregulation. There was a presentation dedicate to environmental and agricultural context of nutrient and carbon recovery as biofertilisers in continental European. Poland was presented as an example with challenges and benefits of using biofertiliser emphasised. Selected nutrient recovery technologies and the linked products, representing phosphorus recycling and compost soil improvers were presented: ID 466, ID 398/397, ID 448/317 and ID 1664, with the focus on their characteristics and applications.

The event was co-organized by the Institut fur Baustoffforschung EV ( and the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute (

During the workshop the following presentations were delivered:

  1. The NUTRIMAN-Project and the NUTRIMAN Farmers platform (Grzegorz Siebielec)
  2. The new European Fertilizer Products Regulation - Harmonized rules for European market access (HansPeter König)
  3. The environmental context of using biofertilisers in Poland (Grzegorz Siebielec)
  4. Selected nutrient recovery technologies and products: ID 466, ID 398/397, ID 448/317 and ID 1664 (HansPeter König and Grzegorz Siebielec)