Nutriman Final conference invitation

The NUTRIMAN project is coming to its end and it is ready to present its interesting results! The final conference will take place as an online event on 16 September 2021!

During the final conference, the focus will be on summarising, sharing and presenting the three years project results, about the existing nutrient recovery innovations and matured research and technical development results that are near close to being put into practice, but not sufficiently known or used by practitioners. The approach is 'bottom-up' and during this one-day event, the focus will be put on the most urgent needs of farmers. The demand-driven innovations for agriculture-related to crop production are “ready for practice” and commercial market introduction, that is supporting the interest and benefits of the users and farmers. 

Highlights for NUTRIMAN results and impacts:

  1. Collection and distribution of easily accessible practice-oriented knowledge on the N/P recovery thematic area, including delivering “practice abstracts” in eight languages in the common EIP-AGRI format and audio-visual materials;
  2. Conserving the practical knowledge for the coming ten years beyond the project period >2031 and using the main trusted dissemination channels which farmers/foresters consult most often, and also serve education and training purposes;
  3. Increasing the flow of practical information between farmers in Europe in a geographically balanced way, creating spill-overs and taking account of the differences between territories; and
  4. Achieving greater user acceptance of collected Farmer Platform solutions on the NUTRIMAN web and more intensive dissemination of existing knowledge.

During the event, on September 16, 2021 the NUTRIMAN results and future opportunities will be presented.

Registration is open and free>>