The first Italian webinar of the NUTRIMAN European Project

This was the first Italian national online workshop (04 September, 2020) organized by UNITO. The new EU Fertilising Products Regulation was explained, with the new cadmium limit of 1.5 mg/kg, and the necessity of the substitution of the cadmium and uranium contaminated mineral phosphates. There were shown to farmers, farm advisors and agricultural practitioners ASHDEC (ID:397/398); ABC-BIOPHOSPHATE (ID:192/193); STRUVITE Revawaste (ID:250/258); STRUVITE Phowater (ID:208/207); COMPOST ACEA (ID:210/209); GREEN COMPOST (ID:280/279); DRIED DIGESTATE (ID:270/269) product, technologies and their farming application opportunities. There were also shown the results of the demo field and greenhouse trials carried out in Italy during 2019 by using these products.