This was the first Italian national online workshop (04 September, 2020) organized by UNITO. The new EU Fertilising Products Regulation was explained, with the new cadmium limit of 1.5 mg/kg, and the necessity of the substitution of the cadmium and uranium contaminated mineral phosphates. There were shown to farmers, farm advisors and agricultural practitioners ASHDEC (ID:397/398); ABC-BIOPHOSPHATE (ID:192/193); STRUVITE Revawaste (ID:250/258); STRUVITE Phowater (ID:208/207); COMPOST ACEA (ID:210/209); GREEN COMPOST (ID:280/279); DRIED DIGESTATE (ID:270/269) product, technologies and their farming application opportunities. There were also shown the results of the demo field and greenhouse trials carried out in Italy during 2019 by using these products.