European Conference on Research & Innovation in the Fruit and Vegetable Sector (2021)


The European Conference on Research and Innovation in the Fruit and Vegetable Sector was set up in 2014 by (AREFLH, EUFRIN, EUVRIN and FRESHFEL EUROPE) who created a Task Force to identify priorities and express the interest of the fruit and vegetable sector in European initiatives such as European Union Policy and Research & Innovation. This close collaboration was launched in January 2014, at a conference in Brussels, which brought together key industry representatives and research experts from the fruit and vegetable sectors from across Europe. The second edition was in 2017 where the members of the task force decided to organise a news conference in Brussels. The third edition was in 2018 and was aimed at taking stock of the projects funded under Horizon 2020 and the opportunities offered by this programme. This year's fourth edition will be organised by AREFLH, will focus on the Farm to Fork Strategy and Horizon Europe and highlight the importance of research for smart and sustainable growth in agriculture. Due to the prevailing conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference will be organised in digital format.

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