EURAKNOS Connecting Thematic Networks as Knowledge Reservoirs: towards a European Agricultural Knowledge Innovation Open Source System



NUTRIMAN is member of the EURAKNOS Thematic Network (TN). NUTRIMAN is consisting of specific and unique operational field, such as objective driven and focused “ready for practice” high research maturity >TRL7 nutrient recovery technologies and products that are targeting industrial applications under market competitive conditions.

EURAKNOS want to strengthen the EU agricultural knowledge base by co-creating « the network to connect all thematic networks », to explore the feasibility of creating a modular database of useful findings from various thematic networks. EURAKNOS brings together a team of 17 different actors from 11 EU countries from different regions in Europe. Over the past two years, EURAKNOS has been networking with and learning from past and current TN projects and developing a proof of concept for an EU-wide knowledge platform. This is because we believe the future of innovation in European agriculture and forestry is based on the improved (digital) exchange of best practices between farmers, researchers and advisors from different sectors and member states. Key findings:

  • Explorer's Guide to Thematic Networks is available in 13 languages and shares key insights and advice to achieve the highest possible impact by using multi actor approaches.
  • Prototype knowledge database
  • Recommendations for improvements to policy and funding structures.

Project life time: January 2019 to March 2021, web: