NUTRIMAN project on the Eip-Agri website (NUTRIMAN collected practice abstracts and audio-visual materials)>> | |
European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform
FSDN: Farm Sustainability data network
NUTRIMAN TN is cooperating with the following Networks:
Copa: Representing over 22 million European farmers and their families Cogeca: Defending the interests of European agri-food, forestry, and fishery cooperatives |
EUFRAS European Forum for Agricultural and rural Advisory Services
EUFRIN: The European fruit research institutes network | |
BioRefine Cluster Europe, a bottom-up collaborative framework which connects projects and professionals in the field of nutrient and energy recovery and recycling. |
European Bioeconomy Network | |
AGRINATURA: The European Alliance on Agricultural knowledge for development
Advancing Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy in Central and Eastern European countries | |
Assembly of European Regions producing Fruits, Vegetables and ornamental Plants. AREFLH's members are 16 political and administrative Regions in Europe and 35 Producers Organisations / Associations of Producers Organizations in 10 countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Netherlands and Germany) |
Assemblée Permanente des Chambresd'Agriculture (APCA): French national umbrella of the network of the 101 French territorial Chambers of agriculture | |
European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP) | |
European Compost Network | |
Netherlands Centrum voor Mestverwaarding |