
EIP-AGRI logo NUTRIMAN project on the Eip-Agri website (NUTRIMAN collected practice abstracts and audio-visual materials)>>
EU logo


European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform


EU logo


FSDN: Farm Sustainability data network



NUTRIMAN TN is cooperating with the following Networks:




Copa: Representing over 22 million European farmers and their families

Cogeca: Defending the interests of European agri-food, forestry, and fishery cooperatives

eufras logo


EUFRAS European Forum for Agricultural and rural Advisory Services


Eufrin logo EUFRIN: The European fruit research institutes network 

AGRISOURCE: Open Innovation Platform: Innovation and Networks of Agriculture in the context of Climate Change



Biorefine Clustee Europe

BioRefine Cluster Europe, a bottom-up collaborative framework which connects projects and professionals in the field of nutrient and energy recovery and recycling.

Eubionet European Bioeconomy Network
Agrinatura logo

AGRINATURA: The European Alliance on Agricultural knowledge for development



Advancing Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy in Central and Eastern European countries

EURAKNOS: Connecting Thematic Networks as Knowledge Reservoirs: towards a European Agricultural Knowledge Innovation Open Source system



Assembly of European Regions producing Fruits, Vegetables and ornamental Plants.

AREFLH's members are  16 political  and administrative Regions in Europe and 35 Producers Organisations / Associations of Producers Organizations in 10 countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Netherlands and Germany)

APCA_logo Assemblée Permanente des Chambresd'Agriculture (APCA): French national umbrella of the network of the 101 French territorial Chambers of agriculture
Academy of Agriculture logo


French Academy of Agriculture 


ESPP logo European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP)
ECN logo European Compost Network
NCM logo Netherlands Centrum voor Mestverwaarding