N2 Applied has developed a manure processing technology to treat manure on the farm and turn it into an environmental-friendly organic fertilizer. The processing unit uses only electricity, preferably from renewable sources, to capture nitrogen from air adding it to manure. This eliminates the ammonia loss in storage and during field application and makes the otherwise lost nitrogen available for the plants. It is not only creating an economic benefit but it also makes livestock production more sustainable by contributing to solving both environmental and health issues related to emissions.
Nitrogen in the form of ammonia, is recycled on the farm and converted into nitrogen fertilizer. The mineral-N content from the input product is almost doubled. Assuming 4 kg Total-N/m3 with 2 kg NH3-N, treatment will result in 6 kg Total-N/m3 with 4 kg mineral-N as ammonium nitrate. The plasma technology uses electricity to fixate nitrogen from air forming nitrogen oxides. In the absorption system, the nitrogen oxides are absorbed into the liquid and neutralize the liquid to a pH around 6. Combined with free ammonia the oxides react to form a stable ammonium nitrate fertilizer.
Basic information
- Name: N2 Applied
- Contact: Henk Aarts
- Vendor website
Technologie de récupération d’azote sous forme d'engrais liquide à partir du fumier liquide ou du biogaz digestat avec système de traitement plasma fumier
Tecnología para la recuperación de N como fertilizante líquido procedente de la fracción líquida del estiércol o el digestato obtenido a partir de la producción de biogás mediante un sistema de procesado del estiércol con tecnología plasma (ID:276)
Tecnologia per il recupero di N come fertilizzante liquido a partire da letame liquido o digestato da biogas mediante sistema di trattamento al plasma
Technologia odzyskiwania N jako płynnego nawozu zaczynającego się od ciekłego nawozu naturalnego lub fermentatu biogazowego z systemem przetwarzania nawozu plazmowego
Folyékony N termésnövelő anyag kinyerésési technológia folyékony trágyából vagy biogáz fermentációból plazma trágyafeldolgozó rendszerrel