
Title Date Location
2nd Workshop on the Conversion of Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) into the Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN) to Webinar
Agroinnova Open Day 2021 Grugliasco (TO)
Biochar international workshop to Webinar
From innovation to practice: NUTRIMAN Final Online Conference to Online - Microsoft Teams
NUTRIMAN International workshop to Webinar - Zoom
NUTRIMAN International workshop to Webinar - Zoom
Sustainable fertilization of crops and the nutritional status of the soil / Zrównoważone nawożenie upraw a stan odżywienia gleby to Agicultural Avisory Center in Brwinów, Poland
Nutrient recycling in Flanders and abroad: some cases from the Nutriman project / to webinar - MS Teams
Organic farming applications of the BioPhosphate products / Bio-Foszfát termékek alkalmazása a biogazdálkodásban Val MTESZ Producer Organisation, Hungary
Organic farming applications of the BioPhosphate products: workshop and technology demo / Bio-Foszfát termékek alkalmazása a biogazdálkodásban műhely nap és technológia demo to Kajaszo Biofarm Agri Research Station Conference Center, Hungary
The NUTRIMAN project & use of biofertilizers - Projekt NUTRIMAN i wykorzystanie bionawozów webinar - zoom
Organic farming applications of the BioPhosphate products: workshop and technology demo / Bio-Foszfát termékek alkalmazása a biogazdálkodásban műhely nap és technológia demo to Kajaszo Biofarm Agri Research Station Conference Center, Hungary
Organic farming applications of the BioPhosphate products: workshop and technology demo / Bio-Foszfát termékek alkalmazása a biogazdálkodásban műhely nap és technológia demo to Kajaszo Biofarm Agri Research Station Conference Center, Hungary
Organic farming applications of the BioPhosphate products / Bio-Foszfát termékek alkalmazása a biogazdálkodásban Val MTESZ Producer Organisation, Hungary
Organic farming applications of the BioPhosphate products: workshop and technology demo / Bio-Foszfát termékek alkalmazása a biogazdálkodásban műhely nap és technológia demo to Kajaszo Biofarm Agri Research Station Conference Center, Hungary
Organic farming applications of the BioPhosphate products: workshop and technology demo / Bio-Foszfát termékek alkalmazása a biogazdálkodásban műhely nap és technológia demo to Kajaszo Biofarm Agri Research Station Conference Center, Hungary
The contribution of the European network NUTRIMAN to the sustainability of agricultural systems and to sustainable crop protection. Webinar
Organic farming applications of the BioPhosphate products / Bio-Foszfát termékek alkalmazása a biogazdálkodásban Val MTESZ Producer Organisation, Hungary
European Conference on Research & Innovation in the Fruit and Vegetable Sector (2021) Webinar
The NUTRIMAN project and the new European Fertilising Products Regulation webinar
Products recovered from secondary raw materials. A step towards the circular economy/Productos recuperados a partir de materias primas secundarias. Un paso hacia la economía circular webinar
Fertilizers: From regulatory moves to Research & Development - Matières fertilisantes : De l’évolution réglementaire à la Recherche & Développement. Le cas du projet NUTRIMAN Webinar
Nutriman ism BBB: Bemesten met alternatieve meststoffen Webinar
NUTRIMAN workshop on innovative technologies for obtaining biofertilizers/Taller NUTRIMAN sobre tecnologías innovadoras para la obtención de biofertilizantes webinar
Organic farming applications of the BioPhosphate products: workshop and technology demo / / Bio-Foszfát termékek alkalmazása a biogazdálkodásban műhely nap és technológia demo to Kajaszo Biofarm Agri Research Station Conference Center, Hungary
The NUTRIMAN project: a concrete chance to share information on the use of recovered fertilizers in agriculture Online Webex
Organic farming applications of the BioPhosphate products / Bio-Foszfát termékek alkalmazása a biogazdálkodásban Val MTESZ Producer Organisation, Hungary
Webinar: Use of fertilizer products in agriculture - Warsztaty: Zastosowanie produktów nawozowych w rolnictwie Webinar
Organic farming applications of the BioPhosphate products: workshop and technology demo / Bio-Foszfát termékek alkalmazása a biogazdálkodásban műhely nap és technológia demo Kajaszo Biofarm Agri Research Station Conference Center, Hungary
The European NUTRIMAN project and the new frontier of fertilizers obtained from Bioeconomy processes / Il progetto europeo NUTRIMAN e la nuova frontiera dei fertilizzanti ottenuti da processi di Bioeconomia Webinar
Organic farming applications of the BioPhosphate products / Bio-Foszfát termékek alkalmazása a biogazdálkodásban Val MTESZ Producer Organisation, Hungary
V4 Biochar & Nutrient Management/Recovery Thematic Network - International workshop MS Teams
The NUTRIMAN project & use of digest products - Projekt NUTRIMAN i wykorzystanie pofermentu Webinar
The NUTRIMAN project & use of compost products - Projekt NUTRIMAN i wykorzystanie kompostów Webinar
Fertilizers: From regulatory moves to Research & Development. The case of the NUTRIMAN project - Matières fertilisantes : De l’évolution réglementaire à la Recherche & Développement. Le cas du projet NUTRIMAN Webinar
Workshop "The NUTRIMAN project & the new European regulation on fertilising products - “Projekt NUTRIMAN i nowe Rozporządzenie UE dotyczące produktów nawozowych” to Zoom
Management of waste from farms and the agri-food industry, applicable legal regulations and new trends in their disposal - Zagospodarowanie odpadów z gospodarstw rolnych i przemysłu rolno-spożywczego, obowiązujące przepisy prawne i nowe trendy w ich unies Webinar
Webinar: The Nutriman Project and Platform: Accessible products to recycle nutrients - organic nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers -- Webinair: Le projet et la Plateforme Nutriman: Des produits accessibles pour recycler les nutriments – engrais organique to Microsoft Teams webinar
Third training workshop on innovative solutions applied to the bioeconomy / Tercer taller de formación sobre soluciones innovadoras aplicadas a la bioeconomía Webinar
Webinar: The use of new recovery fertilizers in agriculture - L’utilizzo di nuovi fertilizzanti di recupero in agricoltura Webinar
Struvite products and technologies for the precipitation of phosphorus from manure, wastewater and drainage water / les produits de struvite et les technologies de précipitation du phosphore provenant du lisier, des eaux usées et des eaux de drainage Online – Microsoft Teams
Workshop on novel Technologies for the Products on Biofertilizers: an opportunity for the sector / Taller sobre Tecnologías novedosas para la obtención de biofertilizantes: una oportunidad para el sector to Webinar
EURAKNOS Final Event to webinar
The NUTRIMAN project: Practical Technologies for nutrient recovery - Bio-based nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers / Das NUTRIMAN-Project: Praxisnahe Technologien zur Nährstoffrückgewinnung- Biobasierte Stickstoff- und Phosphor-Dünger Online - Microsoft Teams
The NUTRIMAN project & new European Regulation Fertilizers / Le projet NUTRIMAN & la nouvelle réglementation européenne sur les fertilisants Online-Zoom
Circular Fertilizers and soil improvers, from innovation to practice / Circulaire meststoffen en bodemverbeteraars, van innovatie naar praktijk to Webinar
Workshop "The NUTRIMAN project & the new European legislation on fertilisers produced by recycling industries" / “Le projet NUTRIMAN & la nouvelle législation européenne sur les fertilisants produits par les filières de récupération " Webinar
The use of compost and digestates in vineyard / L’utilizzo di compost e digestati in viticoltura. Webinar
European R&D: Demonstration of organic fertilization (Project NUTRIMAN) / R&D européenne : Démonstrations de fertilisation organique (Projet NUTRIMAN) Charente-Maritime (F)
The European project NUTRIMAN and the new frontier of fertilizers produced from recovery chains / Il progetto europeo NUTRIMAN e la nuova frontiera dei fertilizzanti prodotti da filiere di recupero Webinar
2020 Farmers' Assessors Course: "Nutriman Project - Recovery of Innovative Technologies / Curso 2020 Asesores Agroganaderos: “Proyecto Nutrimán-Recuperación de Nutrientes Tecnologías Innovadoras to webinar
Workshop – “The NUTRIMAN project & dried digestate product” “Le projet NUTRIMAN & les produits de digestat séché” Webinar
European R&D: Demonstration of organic fertilization (Project NUTRIMAN) / R&D européenne : Démonstrations de fertilisation organique (Projet NUTRIMAN) Charente-Maritime (F)
Results of the demo trials using ASHDEC® and other N/P recovery product selected by the NUTRIMAN project Webinar
Webinar for farmers / Webinaire pour les agriculteurs to Webinar
Workshop – “The NUTRIMAN project & new European Regulation Fertilizers " / ATELIER NUTRIMAN SUR LES FERTILISANTS BIOSOURCÉS Webinar
Technical seminar in COIACLC (Official Association of Agronomist Engineers Castilla y Leon and Cantabria) Webinar
The UNIR-project & advantages of the use of ammonia sulphate / UNIR-project & voordelen van gebruik van ammoniumsulfaat (spuiwater) Webinar
The use of new fertilizers recovered from sewage sludge in cereals / : L’utilizzo di nuovi fertilizzanti di recupero da fanghi di depurazione in cerealicoltura Webinar
ESNI 2020 online - European Sustainable nutrient initative Online
The European project NUTRIMAN and the new frontier of fertilizers produced from recovery chains / Il progetto europeo NUTRIMAN e la nuova frontiera dei fertilizzanti prodotti da filiere di recupero to Webinar -
Informative Workshops on Circular Bioeconomy to Webinar
Demo and discussion: fertilizing with alternative fertilizers In cooperation with NUTRIMAN to Someren, The Netherlands
Demo and workshop on the use of recovered nutrients in fertilisers on the farm/Demo over gebruik van gerecupereerde nutriënten in meststoffen op het landbouwbedrijf to Merelbeke, Belgium
Organic farming applications of the BioPhosphate products / Bio-Foszfát termékek alkalmazása a biogazdálkodásban to Val MTESZ Producer Organisation, Hungary
The European project NUTRIMAN and the new frontier of fertilizers produced from recovery chains - : Il progetto europeo NUTRIMAN e la nuova frontiera dei fertilizzanti prodotti da filiere di recupero to webinar
Organic farming applications of the BioPhosphate products / Bio-Foszfát termékek alkalmazása a biogazdálkodásban to Val MTESZ Producer Organisation, Hungary
Voorstelling van het eerste Vlaamse agro-ecologisch proefplatform (Presentation of the first agro ecological demo platform Flanders) to Hansbeke (Belgium)
Organic farming applications of the BioPhosphate products / Bio-Foszfát termékek alkalmazása a biogazdálkodásban to Val MTESZ Producer Organisation, Hungary
Virtual Exchange between Operative Groups and Innovative Projects with Fertilisation Topic / Intercambio virtual entre Grupos Operativos y Proyectos Innovadores con temática de Fertilización to webinar
Organic farming applications of the BioPhosphate products / Bio-Foszfát termékek alkalmazása a biogazdálkodásban to Val MTESZ Producer Organisation, Hungary
Organic farming applications of the BioPhosphate products / Bio-Foszfát termékek alkalmazása a biogazdálkodásban to Val MTESZ Producer Organisation, Hungary
Demo event in Destelbergen, Belgium / Technisch comité BKW: rondgang bemestingsproeven to PCS, Destelbergen, Belgium
Learn to recognize the value of recovered fertilizers - Webinar / Webinar: Leer de waarde van herwonnen meststoffen herkennen to Webinar
Workshops “Fertilizers: something new in France and in Europe” / Ateliers “Matières fertilisantes : du nouveau en France et en Europe” to Saint Jean d’Angely (17 – F), Saintes (17 – F), Jonzac (17 – F)
Woodash field demo to Mellac 29380 Brittany France
Organic farming applications of the BioPhosphate products / Bio-Foszfát termékek alkalmazása a biogazdálkodásban to Kajaszo Biofarm, Hungary
Adventitious control in the cultivation of organic legumes in Castilla y León to Zamora (Spain)
Organic farming applications of the BioPhosphate products / Bio-Foszfát termékek alkalmazása a biogazdálkodásban to Val MTESZ Producer Organisation, Hungary
Event on ‘How to optimize the fertilization within the new regulation in Flanders?’ to Inagro, Leperseweg 87, 8800 Roeselare
Organic farming applications of the BioPhosphate products to Kajaszo Biofarm, Hungary
The farmer platform the NUTRIMAN European project: a useful tool to learn about fertilizers produced by recovery chains to Verona, Italy
Organic farming applications of the BioPhosphate products to Kajaszo Biofarm, Hungary
Presentation UNIR for Executive Board Agropolis (farmer consortium and innovation hub) Agropolis - Agropolis Park 101, 3640 Kinrooi
EURAKNOS Workshop to Paris, france
FADN Conference Końskowola, Puławy,Poland
BioPhosphate product organic farming application, Bicske to Bicske, Hungary
Regional Conference of Afinet project Końskowola, Puławy,Poland
NUTRIMAN workshop with Producer Organisations for fresh fruit and vegetable productions Bicske, Hungary
Manure Standard Project conference Puławy, Poland
Fertilisation and recycling : what future in France and in Europe? Office of the Chamber of agriculture, Jonzac (17), France
VeDoWS workshop / Werkplaats VeDoWS Roeselare, Belgium
ManuREsource 2019 – site visit Arendonk (Belgium) – Arbio biogas site
ManuREsource 2019 Brussels, Belgium
G-STICK conference to Brussels, Belgium
Field visit of microalgae production plant - Visita de campo de la planta de producción de microalgas Sanchonuño, Segovia (Spain)
Workshop on Sustainable ornamental plant cultivation through reuse of nutrients / Duurzaam siertelen door hergebruik van nutriënten PCS, Destelbergen, Belgium
ISWA Conference Bilbao/Spain
Use as fertilizer of the waste generated in the production of almonds Saucelle, Salamanca (Spain)
EFIAQUA to Valencia, Spain
National Agricultural and Food Industrial Exhibition "OMEK" Budapest, Hungary
EURAKNOS workshop to Budapest, Hungary
Improving soil fertility is improving the future / Werken aan bodemvruchtbaarheid is werken aan de toekomst to ILVO, Burgemeester van Gansberghelaan 111, Merelbeke
Lublin harvest festival to Radawiec, Poland
Corn and soybean day Osiny, Poland
Corn and soybean day IUNG-PIb experimental farm in Osiny, Poland
30th Soil Congress 2019 Lublin, Poland
Nationwide Jasna Góra Harvest Festival and National Agricultural Exhibition 2019 to Czestochowa/Poland
Nationwide JasnaGóra Harvest Festival and National Agricultural Exhibition 2019 to Częstochowa, Poland
Lublin harvest festival Częstowchowa, Poland
5th International Congress Water, Waste and Energy Management to Paris, France
Demo event on recovered nutrients to Wingene, Belgium
NAK AKIS to Budapest, Hungary
Open Day organised by Lublin Agricultural Extension Advisory Services Końskowola, Poland
HERAKLION 2019 7th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management to Crete, Greece
Agri Innovation Summit 2019 (AIS2019) to Lisieux, France
Workshop on "Innovative fertilizers based on humic acids" to RZD Grabów, Poland
Conference Lublin region Białka, Poland
Coordinator’s Day to Brussels, Belgium
Open Day 2019 at Agroinnova Grusliasco, Italy
Öko Expo to Hajdunanas, Hungary
Local event in La Rochelle to La Rochelle, France
ISWA BEACON Conference to Oslo, Norway
Incontri Fitoiatrici 2019 Torino, Italy
National conference of the "Italian Scientific Societies on Plant" Roma, Italy
ESNI conference and NUTRIMAN workshop Brussels, Belgium
NUTRIMAN kick-off meeting to Brussels, Belgium